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5 Fun facts

Hello we're going to tell you about hydro electricity in 5 fun facts enjoy.

 Fact 1 The eletrictry they make can help power over 1OO homes.

       Fact 2 To turn the turbine off you have to turn the wheel 120 times.

              Fact 3 There is a poisonous plant called a ragwort (do not eat it you might die!)

              Fact 4 On the ragwort there is a caterpillar called a ciniibar caterpilar it goes on the ragwort to camoflge so, that the birds and other animals dont eat them
              and its stripes also tell them that they are poisonous.(if it falls on the groud, birds and other animals will eat them!)(
              and when it grows up it will be a cinibar moth!)


Fact 5 water can turn into electricity! (last one)


and... here is a short video about hydropower    generator